Radiant Logic webinar: Virtualization as a Key Enabler of Federated and Claims-Based Identity
In this webinar, Radiant Logic and featured analyst firm, Forrester Research, Inc, will explore a new, more flexible identity infrastructure that uses virtualization to unify, route, and authenticate against scattered, siloed identity repositories. Leading the webinar is Lisa Grady, Systems Engineer at Radiant Logic, with featured speaker Eve Maler of Forrester. This webinar is part two of a three-part webinar series, Externalize Identities for Smarter Security & Services. Eve Maler is a Principal Analyst for Forrester's Security and Risk research. She is a leading expert on emerging identity and security solutions, identity federation, consumer-facing identity and web access management, distributed authorization, privacy enhancement, and web services security. In this second webinar in the Externalize Identities for Smarter Security & Services series, Grady and Maler will discuss the emergence of a new, more flexible identity infrastructure that is rising from the growing adoption of federation standards and protocols, such as SAML 2.0, WS-Federation, and OpenID, along with claims-based systems, such as WS-Trust. The webinar will focus on: The various uses of protocols such as SAML, OAuth, and OpenID. Why claims-based authentication is an essential element of a federated architecture. How virtualization enhances the function of an IdP with an attribute-rich claim. How to integrate Microsoft-based infrastructure with cloud-based applications. Claims-based identity <b>…</b>
Source: Radiant Logic webinar: Virtualization as a Key Enabler of Federated and Claims-Based Identity (Youtube).