Microsoft Israel plans to take market by storm
At a press conference Monday Moshe Lichtman president of Microsoft Israel R&D center revealed that the local center is in the midst of developing 13 new products in different areas. Eleven of the products will be ready for marketing worldwide next year he said. Currently the Israeli center employs 600 workers and plans to hire up to 100 new employees for cloud computing projects he said,. "Cloud computing is at the center of our vision. About 70% of the center's development activity is focused on cloud computing," Lichtman said. "This year, we will complete development of the first versions of 11 products, which will be launched on the global market." "Just over a year ago, we launched a free security product. The product has had 100 million downloads in the past year, and it has the second largest share of the global market for free products. This product was developed entirely in Israel, and it will stay free," said Lichtman.
Source: Microsoft Israel plans to take market by storm (Youtube).