TEDxJuanDeFuca – Carl Schmidt – Cloud Computing
Carl Schmidt on the potential impacts of cloud computing TEDx, x = independently organized event In t…
TEDxJuanDeFuca – Carl Schmidt – Cloud Computing
Carl Schmidt on the potential impacts of cloud computing TEDx, x = independently organized event In t…
Virtualization Comparison – VMware, Microsoft, Citrix (virtualizationmatrix.com)
Need to compare virtualization and private cloud solutions? Need a f…
Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions (DDVS): Overview
content.dell.com How does virtualization benefit my company? What are the challenges- cost, de…
Installing VDIworks' VideoOverIP VDI solution in under 5 minutes
VDIworks provides one of the simplest Virtual Desktop solutions in the industry….
iAnnotate for iPad
The Ultimate Reading Utensil! iAnnotate is a PDF reading and annotation tool for the iPad, with a redesigned interface based on th…
CGRnews – Cloud Computing? Say what?
Angela and Edit Station 1 bring you the latest statement on the next gen consoles from John Carmack, legendary g…
Is Cloud Computing a safer bet in cyberspace?
A panel of cyber security experts say cloud computing may actually be more secure.
Healthcare Cloud Computing Webinar
Overview: Designed for the healthcare IT student audience, this Intel cloud computing webinar describes how cloud …