Citrix Tech Talk Webinar: Citrix CloudBridge – Optimise and Manage Application Delivery (ANZ)
Citrix Tech Talk Webinar – APAC – ANZ: This webinar starts with an
overview of the CloudBridge solution and then turn to the recent
enhancements to the CloudBridge platform, including HDX Insight, which
will enable enterprise IT to quickly identify and resolve application
challenges that end users are facing. Also covered are some new
appliance options as well as other recent enhancements. •Gain a better
understanding of how CloudBridge enables application acceleration for
XenDesktop, XenApp, and traditional enterprise applications.•Appreciate
the benefits that HDX Insight for CloudBridge provides enterprise IT in
terms of troubleshooting XenDesktop and XenApp delivery. •Learn about
the new appliances and provisioning solutions for small and
micro-branch locations.